Roger and me is the first documentary produced by the world renowned film producer Michael More. In this film Michael Moore chases the CEO of General motors in the quest for answers about the closure of the car making planet in Flint, Michigan. Flint is Michaels hometown so the story was important for him and his local community; Ultimatly Moore wants to get an interview with the head of the corporation and finally get some solid answers. This film made the way for Michael Moores’ future career in documentary film making and is the first time we see his tactical and selective techniques to build a picture of the truth. As a result Roger and Me won a number of critical awards and today more than 25 years after it was made it is regarded as a classic.
Even though Roger and Me was made in 1989 it still holds a lot of truths about the world we live in today. The primary reason behind this is Moores’ ambush style approach of interviews which more often than not leads to him being ignored. This only spurrs him on to pursue the issue even further and skewer celebrities which makes for an interesting documentary.