Fat Head, a 2009 health and food documentary directed by American filmmaker Tom Naughton which aims to rebut the ideas presented in the 2005 documentary "Super Size Me" by Morgan Spurlock.
Yes there is no doubt that Super Size Me is easily the most pivotal documentary about fast food in the 21st century so-far, however, Naughton refutes the lipid hypothesis presented. He makes the point that people are not forced to eat fast food and is sceptical about Spurlock's claim that he was eating 5000 calories per day. In the Fat Head documentary, Naughton looks closely at Spurlock's diet during his 30-day challenge but is unable to find a food log (Naughton's website includes a page that lists every item he ate during his month-long experiment, including the nutritional information of Spurlock's diet.
Ultimately Fat Head does not promote fast food restaurants but provides a balance to the ideas presented in Super Size Me, which comes across like only corporate food can make you obese. The film's slogan; "You've been fed a load of bologna" is also pretty descriptive.
If you would like to find out more about Fat Head visit the official website: fathead-movie.com. There is a lot of useful health relative information on there and Tom publishes an article at least once a week.