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• If you have a question about an embedded video featured here don't ask us. We do not own the videos so it is therefore not possible for us to provide any information about them. Please contact the owner on Youtube / Dailymotion for any questions.
• With that said, if you are the owner of a video and don't know how to disable the embed functionality on your Youtube / Dailymotion account and would not like it to be curated here anymore we will happily disable it for you.
• If you want to report any inaccuracies in our articles, you are welcome to send it VIA this form. However please provide all necessary information.
• If you can no longer access your account because we stopped using the Facebook API; Use the new password reset functionality. It will make your account standalone. Only contact us if this does not work for you.
• Everything else is welcome except spam, impoliteness and emails that are not written in English. They will not even be read.