My Boyfriend The Sex Tourist: Venezuela - documentary

My Boyfriend The Sex Tourist: Venezuela
Rated 53
by 4 people.

My Boyfriend The Sex Tourist: Venezuela: A two-part 2007 documentary series directed by Monica Garnsey which examines the global sex tourism industry, this first one-hour long episode looks at sex tourism through the eyes of the girls who work in the sex industry in Venezuela.


The film centres around a holiday resort in Venezuela operated by a British man where the visiting men – mostly American and Canadian – get to choose their girlfriend from a line up for the duration of their stay, usually one week, and sleep with them. The men claim that they are there for companionship and the ‘real girlfriend experience’.


The second one-hour episode explores the sex tourism industry in Thailand, which is probably the most visited destination for sex tourists on the planet. See My Boyfriend The Sex Tourist: Thailand.

Sexuality, Society

Michelle Bonnard
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