When David Bowie played on TV screens in the early 1970’s music on planet earth would never be the same again. His first mainstream success was with the album “Space Oddity” which was released only days before the launch of the Apollo 11 moon mission in 1969. It captured the story of major tom, a fictional astronaut. moving forward to 1972 the album “The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars” was release featuring the hit song “Starman”. The narrative of the album is of another alter-ego created by Bowie called Ziggy Stardust who is a messenger for extraterrestrial beings from other worlds. The music in these songs captured the ever expanding horizons of the human race and the possibility of encountering life in other parts of the universe as well as the changing culture here on earth.
This documentary explores the history behind the ground breaking album which hailed a new breed of rock music.