solar system Documentaries
The Universe Season 2
The Universe Season 2 is a series of educational science documentary films made in 2007. The aim of the show is to answer popular scientific questions about the nature of the universe from the nature of black holes to solar systems, even the beginning of our reality. To explain the[...]
The Universe
The Universe documentary featuring Erik Thompson, Alex Filippenko, Laura Danly explores many topics and questions about the universe. This 2007 education series features interviews with leading experts in the fields of cosmology, astronomy and astrophysics who are asked questions rangin[...]
Horizon: Jupiter Revealed
Horizon: Jupiter Revealed, a new 2018 science documentary narrated by Toby Jones examing new information we have learnt about the planet Jupiter. Jupiter is by far the largest planet in the solar system and could easily fit every other body orbiting the sun inside of it. Comprising pred[...]
The Sky at Night, Guides, Planets
Planets have fascinated humans since the dawn of humanity, and have been named after gods. Our understanding of these objects has changed drastically over the last century and in hommage The Sky at Night, Guides, Planets takes us on a journey through our exploration of them.
The Voyagers
The Voyagers, a "decade of Vimeo staff picks" short documentary by Penny Lane about two craft which changed the way we view our solar system forever. There are many documentaries about the Voyager missions and this one provides another unique perspective on an epic story, taki[...]
Bye Bye Planet Pluto
For decades little Pluto was considered to be the ninth planet in our solar system, though everything about it just didn't fit in with the others. All the rocky planets reside in the inner solar system while the gas giants, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune orbit in the outer regions. &nb[...]
Voyager: To the Final Frontier
The Voyager space mission is arguably one of mankind's greatest achievements of the 20th century, and one which nearly never got off the ground. In 1964 Gary Flandro of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory discovered that Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune would align in such a way that[...]
How the Universe Works: Strange Lives of Dwarf Planets
How the Universe Works: Strange Lives of Dwarf Planets, a 2018 science documentary hosted by Mike Rowe (Dirty Jobs) which examines what we know about some of the strangest objects in our own solar system. Thanks to advances in science we are now about to explore dwarf planets[...]
Uranus & Neptune: Rise of the Ice Giants
Uranus & Neptune: Rise of the Ice Giants, a 2018 documentary narrated by Mike Rowe which takes us billions of miles out to the mysterious and alluring ice-giants in the outer solar system. These two planets have only have had one visitor from Earth; Voyage 2 in the 1980's. This[...]
The Horizon Guide to Mars
The Horizon Guide to Mars (first board cast in 2009) is a documentary that looks into the fantastic human strive to find out the secrets of the red planet. To provide a time-line of Mars exploration history Dr Kevin Fong uses more than 40 years worth of BBC & Horizon archive footage which s[...]
The Outer Planets: Uranus - Neptune - Pluto
The Outer planets, Uranus, Pluto and Neptune documentary. This documentary focuses on the cold outer-side of our solar system and its planets. Uranus The seventh planet from the sun is Uranus. It was first discovered by William Herschel on March 13th, 1781 using a telescope[...]
The Sun
The power of the sun is tangible yet mystic, so much as we humans have longed to harness this beautiful giver of life. The Sun is really, really powerful, so powerful in-fact its almost scary to think about; consistently the sun produces the energy of a billion nuclear bombs every second. Since[...]
Asteroids - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
When you look up into a clear sky at night space looks like a peaceful and tranquil place however it is not. Our very own solar system poses a threat to planet Earth in the form of asteroids which are typically orbiting the sun in-between the planets Mars and Jupiter but can sometimes be knocked off[...]
Horizon: The End of Solar System
BBC Horizon documentary “The End of the Solar System” explores theories about when our back yard in the cosmic ocean will cease to exist. The end of the solar system is essentially dependent on when the Sun has aged and used all of it’s fuel. Once the Sun has ran out of hydrog[...]
New Horizons: Passport to Pluto and Beyond
New Horizons documentary. New Horizons is the culmination of more than ten years worth of work by the National Aeronautics and Space administration. This documentary follows the people behind the project to gain greater knowledge about how this tremendous feat of engineering and science was achieved[...]
Averting Armageddon - Killer Asteroids
There a millions of asteroids out there in the solar system, some are extremely small and some are so big that they are referred to as planetoids. These objects generally orbit the sun in an orderly fashion in-between the planets Earth, Mars and Jupiter. The reason why this documentary is called &ld[...]
Secrets of the Solar System
Our solar system in its current equilibrium is a rather quiet and orderly place where the planets are in stable orbits around the sun. New discoveries by astronomers are forcing scientists to reconsider how the solar system was formed. traditionally it has been thought that the planets were cre[...]
Wonders of the universe - Dead or Alive
The Earth is the only place that we know of to support life in the traditional Carbon, water reliant form. For you to be viewing this documentary now there has been an amazing array of chance events which lead to the earth being formed in the way it has. Everything from being located in the God[...]
wonders of the solar system - The Thin Blue Line
When you look up into the sky from the surface of the earth, one would believe that the earths atmosphere is almost endless. Of course we know that it does indeed end and beyond that is only the incredibly hash environment of space for billions of miles. In this documentary Brian Cox explores what i[...]
Wonders of the Solar System - Empire of the sun
the powerhouse that is the sun is what keeps our solar system spinning, the water flowing on earth and it is the reason why we are alive today. In this documentary Brian Cox explore in detail what the sun means to us from solar eclipses to the inner workings of its core.
A collection of solar system documentaries to watch online.