Why Are We Getting So Fat? - documentary

Why Are We Getting So Fat?
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Dr Giles Yeo asks a simple straightforward question; why are we getting so fat? A question that is more relevant in 21st-century western societies than ever with an estimated 62% of adults officially considered obese in the UK, despite “miracle diets” being sold in their droves.


A common reaction to obesity is to “fat shame” which is prevalent on social media sites. This is unfortunate as while there are probably many people who are overweight because they are greedy and do not get enough exercise, there are a lot of people who are obese because of a number of other reasons.


In this documentary, Giles Yeo talks to some of the people featured in news articles due to their weight to learn about their personal stories. He also speaks to experts using cutting-edge science to tackle the problem.

Giles Yeo
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