The 2011 Miss Representation activism documentary explores how the mainstream media contributes to women being under-represented in platforms of authority.
Director Jennifer Siebel Newsom (who had recently retired from her role as First Lady of San Francisco) catalogues the limited representation of women in the news, which can be summed up in the documentaries motto; “You can't be what you can't see". The film promotes the idea that women need more positive role models, which are out there but are often not brought into the limelight.
To illustrate her point, Jennifer features a number of influential figures in the realms of art, politics such as Hillary Clinton, Ellen Degeneres, Dolly Parton, Oprah Winfrey, Sarah Palin, and more. As a result, Miss Representation provides a powerful message in disrupting the narrative and is recognised as one of the top documentaries about feminism which led to many people hailing Jennifer Siebel Newsom as the new leader of this movement.