A documentary about the Dubai Palm Islands narrated by Jonathan Hart and produced by Jessica Bassett for the TV series Mega structures. This modern marvel of the world consists of three artificially created islands for which construction began on back in 2001 and is still being worked on today, they are called Palm Jumeirah, Palm Jebel Ali and Deira Island although Deira is not officially part of the palm Island complex anymore.
The Second palm Island began to be constructed in 2002 however as of 2016 it has not been completed yet. Over the years the project has come under a lot of controversy over environmental concerns about wildlife in the area and costal changes. These criticisms are generally not much different from the ones pointed at many of Dubai’s mega projects as the city has become a target for many environmental organisations. Ironically the Palm Islands along with many other projects will help move Dubai away from an oil based economy in the future.