Gimme Danger is a 2016 documentary film directed by Jim Jarmusch about the American punk rock band the Stooges. The Stooges, sometimes called “ Iggy and the Stooges” formed as a group in 1967 and went on to make some of the most widely recognisable songs in rock history, influencing other artists and shaping the future of music. The band split up in 1974 and at the time having not sold that many records considering they are one of most legendary bands of all time. They were inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame in 2010 and Rolling Stone ranked them 78th on their list of the 100 greatest artists of all time; Gimme Danger follows their story.
Gimme Danger will be shown in cinemas starting 4th November, however it remains unclear as to when it will be available to watch online.