universe Documentaries
The Universe Season 2
The Universe Season 2 is a series of educational science documentary films made in 2007. The aim of the show is to answer popular scientific questions about the nature of the universe from the nature of black holes to solar systems, even the beginning of our reality. To explain the[...]
Powers of Ten
Powers of Ten, a short scientific essay published in 1977 by IBM examining different scales within the universe. The scale begins with a view of the entire known universe, with each subsequent shot progressively zooming in until we are observing subatomic particles that make up the hand[...]
Why Do We Dream?
Why Do We Dream? A 2009 BBC horizon episode which explores the science behind our dreams, using research which involved extensive experiments on people and personal stories from vivid dreamers. The program asks where our dreams come from, why we have dreams, and whether dreams have any sort of hidde[...]
The Day the Universe Changed
The Day the Universe Changed, a ten-part documentary presented by British Broadcaster and science historian James Burke exploring the effects of advances in science and technology from a philosophical aspect. The name of the documentary, which was first shown in 1985 comes from the idea that th[...]
The Universe
The Universe documentary featuring Erik Thompson, Alex Filippenko, Laura Danly explores many topics and questions about the universe. This 2007 education series features interviews with leading experts in the fields of cosmology, astronomy and astrophysics who are asked questions rangin[...]
Size Matters with Hannah Fry
Size Matters with Hannah Fry: In this 2018 science documentary Hannah Fry looks at the grand order of size across the universe and why things are big and small. The universe features unimaginably large objects like red giant stars, tiny objects like bacteria and things that fit somewher[...]
Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey - Neil DeGrasse Tyson
Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey, a ground-breaking 13-part documentary series narrated by American Astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson looking at many aspects of what we have learned about the very nature of reality. The series is a direct follow up to the landmark documentary "Cos[...]
Cosmos: A Personal Voyage - Carl Sagan
Cosmos with Carl Sagan makes one think deeply about the very fundamentals of our universe. Carl is one of the most well-known scientists in the world because of his ability to popularise scientific subjects by giving them profound meaning, a skill he demonstrates extensively in this documentary seri[...]
Horizon: How to Build a Time Machine
The 2018 "How to Build a Time Machine" documentary looks at how close we have come to building a time machine. For decades this has been the dream of many, inspired by the possibilities of moving backwards and forward in time that Einstein's theory of general relativity al[...]
Michio Kaku: Time
Time: A four-part documentary series presented by American theoretical physicist and pioneer of string theory Michio Kaku. Beginning with our everyday perception of time through our body clocks, Michio delves deeper and deeper into our understanding of this universal variable. He looks[...]
Gravity and Me: The Force that Shapes our Lives
Gravity and Me The Force that Shapes our Lives: British professor Jim Al-Khalili explores the amazing science of gravity. Gravity is one of the most mysterious forces in the universe. For while we constantly feel it throughout our lives trotting about Earth, we still cannot understand w[...]
Nova Wonders
Nova Wonders, a new six-part documentary series hosted by scientists Talithia Williams, Rana El Kaliouby and André Fenton which looks into some of the most intriguing and yet to be answered questions in science. The episodes cover many different disciplines in science including b[...]
Light and Dark
Light has been used to reveal almost everything we know about the universe because that is what enables us to see the cosmos. In the 2-part 2013 documentary "Light and Dark", British professor Jim Al-Khalili investigates how we have used light to explore our universe, with a s[...]
PBS Space Time
PBS Space Time is a free documentary series that takes us through our deepest understandings about the universe we live in. What is in the deepest areas of space away from us? Where will entropy take us? How did the physics of the universe allow for carbon-based life to exist? These are[...]
Through the Wormhole
Through the Wormhole season one, a landmark 6-part science documentary hosted by actor Morgan Freeman, who of course needs no introduction. The film is split into six sections that cover fundamental questions any curious mind would have about the universe and the nature of reality: Is T[...]
Black Hole Apocalypse
Black Hole Apocalypse, a 2018 science documentary presented by American cosmologist Janna Levin about the most mysterious known objects in our Universe. First described by Stephen Hawking in his famous publication "Occurrence of singularities in open universes" in 19[...]
How the Universe Works: The Quasar Enigma
How the Universe Works The Quasar Enigma investigates some of the most impressive objects in the universe: Quasars. Quasars are very active and distant objects, in many cases, they are the size of our solar system and emit enormous amounts of energy. The brightness of the quas[...]
Into The Universe With Stephen Hawking
Into The Universe With Stephen Hawking brings us fascinating new knowledge about our deadly, awe-inspiring universe which is a symphony of mathematic perfection. 1. The documentary begins with aliens, which is a subject that has been covered by dozens of documentaries. Not many feature[...]
Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds
Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds is a four-part documentary which explores the true nature of spiritual experiences in the context of theoretical and proven science. Part 1 - Akasha, an Ancient Indian word meaning sky, or space. Thousands of years ago people believed the sky was the realm of[...]
Chariots of the Gods
The Chariots of the Gods documentary is based on a book by famous ancient astronaut theorist Erich Von Daniken. Von Daniken's theories are well thought out and provide us with an alternative way of looking at monuments on Earth which could have been influenced by extra-terrestrials.[...]
A collection of universe documentaries to watch online.