pyramids Documentaries
The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, a feature-length documentary narrated by movie star Pierce Brosnan (James Bond) exploring how the seven wonders of the ancient world were built and why.
Magical Egypt (preview)
Magical Egypt is full of amazing ancient wonders, and when we think they have all been found something new is discovered. This 2001 documentary narrated by Derek Partridge explains a part of Egyptian history that is not widely known to the public. Much of the magic and wisdom the elders[...]
The Pyramid Code
The 2010 5-part documentary series The Pyramid Code centres around work by Dr Carmen Boulter who went to 50 countries in the search for ancient technology that according to her can be found embedded in ancient monuments, especially in Egypt on the Giza Plato. It has[...]
The Lost Pyramids of Caral
An investigative documentary about the lost pyramids of Caral. The amazing city of Caral is located in the Supe Valley in the Barranca province of Peru and is the most ancient of all the cities in the Americas. The city was built between the periods of roughly 2600 BC and 2000 BC by the Norte C[...]
The Revelation Of The Pyramids
The Revelation Of The Pyramids: The Pyramids of Giza are a true wonder of the ancient world and indeed the only one to still be standing. If you take into account what it took to create such incredible monuments in such a short period of time then it almost seems unbelievable. This documentary explo[...]
A collection of pyramids documentaries to watch online.