culture Documentaries
Style Wars
Style Wars, a 1983 documentary directed by Tony Silver which explores hip-hop culture and it's links to America. Style Wars shows how incredibly rich this subculture was during the late 1970's in New York City. Especially because the film was actually made in that era making it[...]
Just for Kicks
Just for Kicks, a 2005 documentary by Thibaut de Longeville about the sub-culture of sneakers. Yes, if one were to tell you their passion was collecting popular and rare training shoes, you would probably give them a funny look. However, a huge number of people across the Unit[...]
Cyberpunk, a 1990 documentary film directed by Marianne Trench and starring American fiction writer William Gibson who is widely credited with starting the Cyberpunk subculture. The Cyberpunk documentary explores many topics associated with the culture including cyberarts, lit[...]
RiP: A Remix Manifesto
Synopsis from Immerse yourself in the energetic, innovative and potentially illegal world of mash-up media with RiP: A Remix Manifesto. Let web activist Brett Gaylor and musician Greg Gillis, better known as Girl Talk, serve as your digital tour guides on a probin[...]
Gypsy Rose Lowrider Legend
California is known for it’s vibrant car subculture and the most famous of them all is the lowrider scene. This documentary interviews people who started the movement back in the 1960’s and talks about how and why it all happened as well as some of misconceptions associated with the[...]
Masters of the Pacific Coast: The Tribes of the American Northwest
To anyone wanting to watch the documentary; the quality is not good but we will update to a higher quality version when available online. Masters of the Pacific Coast: The Tribes of the American Northwest: Arrival. This is the first of a two part documentary series produced by[...]
Who Needs Sleep?
Who Needs Sleep? A documentary directed by Oscar award winning cinematographer Haskell Wexler (1922–2015) who is famous for movies such as One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975) and is considered to be one of the ten most influential cinematographers of all time accordi[...]
Treasures Of The Indus - The Other Side of the Taj Mahal
In this episode Sona Datta continues her journey through the Indian subcontinent to rediscover its rich and illustrious past. She looks closely at the Mughals who created the largest and most iconic Indian civilization to of existed, who created some of the most awe inspiring monuments we see i[...]
Marijuana - Northwest Trees
Northwest Trees is a Marijuana documentary by Ben Grayzel, who spent only six weeks creating the entire film. The movie focuses on the cities of Oregon and Washington as they have recently made the use of Marijuana legal, the film looks into how this has effected the people and the c[...]
The Doors: When Youre Strange
A documentary about the American rock band The Doors constructed in chronological order. The Doors formed in Los Angeles in 1965 and went on to become one of the most successful bands of all time and gained a cult following that is very much alive today. In the film, we see[...]
Final 24: His Final Hours, Tupac Shakur
The date is September 6th 1996. Tupac Shakur is undoubtedly the most successful and recognizable hip-hop artist in the world, known by his fans as “the king of rap”. To many he was the angry, though-provoking voice of urban America to which told the truth many shied away from.[...]
Louis Theroux: Gambling in Las Vegas
Louis Theroux visits Las Vegas, the home of gambling and reveals the side of the city what most people ignore. Many of the people who are gambling in the top Casinos have the idea that they are going to win it big but often end up spending all of their life savings.
Bob Marleys music has changed the world and continues to do so despite his death more than three decades ago. This documentary explores the life, music and the legacy of the legendary man. Bob Marley is much that just a musician to many people, something that you will see in this documentary.
A collection of culture documentaries to watch online.