Voyage of Time is a new 2016 science documentary narrated by Hollywood actors Brad Pitt & Cate Blanchett examining the story of the Universe. The film which will be presented in IMAX technology is the culmination of four years work by director Terrence Malick (November 30, 1943) who is the writer behind the 1998 war movie The Thin Red Line. We have seen a number of documentaries about the big bang and todays universe on Docur, however this film is the ultimate journey in space-time from the beginning until the end.
Voyage of Time will be available to watch in IMAX and a none IMAX version titled Voyage of Time: Life’s Journey. The Theatrical version will be narrated by Bradd Pitt and the feature length will be narrated by Cate Blanchett with initial screenings being predicted for 7th October 2016 by Board Green pictures & IMAX corporation.
As a viewer you will see Stunning cosmic landscapes, amazing geologic formations and majestic living creatures. From the birth of the first stars to life on Earth and beyond this documentary spans a length of space-time trillions of years in the making. Of course we do not know what the future holds however using physics laws such entropy we can bring what we think will happen at the end of the universe on screen.