A 2017 ABC “Truth and Lies” documentary hosted by David Muir and Elizabeth Vargas exploring the ruthless Manson Family. The Manson Family, or simply “The Family” was an American cult formed in the late 1960’s led by Charles Manson which became famous after the murder of pregnant actress Sharon Tate on August 9th, 1969 and four others.
Charles Manson (November 12th,1934 – November 19th, 2017), was sentenced in California along with four other members of the group for a total of eight murders though it is suspected they were involved in more. Shortly after conviction, the death penalty was abolished in the state and all sentences were reduced to life in prison. Famously Manson has shown no remorse for his actions as well as mental instability which can be seen in parole board interviews. The last one was in 2012 at the age of 77th which was refused meaning he would only have a chance of getting out of prison in 2027 but he died before then.
This Charles Manson documentary explores how his murderous following came to be and how the cult of personality has become a part of popular culture.