The Stone Roses: Made of Stone - documentary

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The Stone Roses: Made of Stone
Rated 86
by 6 people.

The Stone Roses: Made of Stone documentary. The Stone Roses are one of the most iconic Manchester bands of all time. Formed in 1983 they were pioneers of the “Madchester” movement and were one of the most popular bands in the UK during the late 80’s and early nineties. The famous lineup consists of drummer Reni, vocalist Ian Brown, bassist Mani and guitarist John Squire. Together they have created some of the most memorable albums in British rock history. 


The Stone Roses released their first self titled album in 1989 which received critical acclaim with some critics saying it was the greatest British album of all time. The group were not without problems though; they signed a ten year record deal which soon turned out to be a rip off, some speculate this to have contributed to their final demise in October 1996. 


This film is about the 2012 reunion of The Stone Roses which they announced on October 18th that year to the excitement of fans around the world. Directed by BAFTA award winning independent film maker Shane Meadows, The Stone Roses: Made of Stone tells the story.

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The Stone Roses
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