A documentary celebrating the 20th anniversary of the iconic T.V show “The Simpsons”. Morgan Spurlock, self-proclaimed Simpsons geek and the guy who created the now famous documentary Supersize Me attempts to find out just how we all got addicted to watching these yellow people.
The Simspons was first aired on December 17th 1989 and since then there there has been over 600 episodes over 29 seasons as of 2017. Matt Groening created the show after making a few short animated films with producer James L. Brooks. It is about a dysfunctional family living in middle America with the characters being named after Matt’s own family; he used “Bart” to substitute himself. The comedy became the first top rating series that Fox Broadcasting ever made and today it is the longest running American sitcom after it surpassed the 1950’s series “Gunsmoke” in 2009. This Simpsons documentary follows the history of the show through it’s creators and how it inspired generations of fans. The Simpsons has followed topical trends in popular culture over the years to bring out the hilarity in them with the first 9 seasons being considered it’s “golden age”, however it is still going strong with high ratings and the 29th season started on October 1st 2017.