A powerful documentary by the Oscar nominated documentarian Kirby Dick, who’s previous work included the film Twist of Faith which looked into the Catholic Church and how it handled cases of Child Abuse and gay rights. This time round he takes on the fantastic record of how the U.S. military has handled sexual assaults on people in active service.
in the film we see a number of interviews from victims of sexual assault from incidents way back in the 60’s right up until the present time in which the doc was made. Both male a female victims speak of their horrific ordeal not just with the perpetrators of the crime but also the military justice system which according to them failed. indeed many of the victims say their attempts to seek justice were a bigger nightmare than the crime itself
The film is full of statistics that can only be described as horrific, as well as interviews with bureaucrats within the military who joined to serve the country and army but could not due to the system working to protect officers rather than troops. .