In this documentary we explore the history of the famous computer game series Final Fantasy. The story begins with the formation of Square co in Japan the mid nineteen eighties, a company with the intention of creating the best science-fiction fantasy game the world had ever seen. This was no easy undertaking, especially with the technology that was available to the developers at the time. It was a struggle for the small team to even keep the company afloat until the game was finished but, they did and in 1987 the first Final Fantasy game was launched. The title was an immediate success, saving the games mastermind, Sakaguchis’ company and pathing the way for many of sequels, almost all of which have pleased gamers around the world.
This Final Fantasy documentary follows the game as it developed throughout the years to give a chronological documentation of possibly the most popular role playing game in the world. The game has been released on an array of different devices over the years from the original Nintendo Entertainment System to the brand new 8th generation game console, the PlayStation 4, having sold more than 100 million units worldwide over a total of 15 games. The latest games in the series is Final Fantasy: Type 0 which was released on October 25th 2016 which was after this documentary was made.