Secrets of War: Tools of Deception presented by Charlton Heston. War is not only fought with fire power, a large part of it is misguiding the enemy to cause a number of different reactions depending on what type of deception you are using. This documentary is based on World War two so here we are exploring techniques used by both sides to try and get the upper hand on each other in the 1940’s.
In the film we see how Ships were painted in a “dazzle” color scheme which was first used in world war one and is designed to obscure the the bow, stern and recognizable objects on the deck therefore determining its course is much tougher.
Another technique presented in the documentary is providing false information over the radio, a technique that was successfully used by the German army for years until the allies realized that they were being deceived. The type on mis-information provided could be anything from fake invasion plans to pretending army's were in a certain place when in fact they were hundreds of miles away or did not exist at all. For the enemy this creates a huge problem because what information could you trust?
Those are just two of the many examples show in this documentary which is presented with archive footage and with the input from a number of historians.