To anyone wanting to watch the documentary; the quality is not good but we will update to a higher quality version when available online.
Masters of the Pacific Coast: The Tribes of the American Northwest: Arrival.
This is the first of a two part documentary series produced by the renowned film maker Dr Jago Cooper who explores the historic culture of north-western America to tell the story of many amazing human stories.
The American Northwest is a 1,400 mile ribbon of rugged coastline located on the more commonly known as the Alaskan Panhandle, British columbia and Washington State. This huge area has been home to settlers for more than 10,00 years and is in fact the oldest example of human culture anywhere in the Americas. In the film we see how people came to be on these lands.
Masters of the Pacific Coast: The Tribes of the American Northwest: Surival.
In this episode Jago explores how the people here 10,000 years ago managed to survive despite the area being such as hostile place. Its connection to the land has been developed over thousands of years, which meant that it was able to adapt and transform when faced with threats and disruption. These qualities make it one of the longest continuous cultures in the Americas.