Life In A Day is a feature-length 2010 documentary film Executive produced by Ridley Scott and directed by Kevin Macdonald which captures one day in history.
The film is made from snippets of footage filmed by random people around the world in 194 different countries. Everything was recorded on 24th July 2010 and depicts what that day in history was like right from 00:00 to 23:59, using 4,500 hours video which was sent to the filmmakers.
So what we are seeing in "Life In A Day" is a truly crowdsourced documentary, made from around 80,000 clips. Each one giving the viewer a tiny insight into every individual featured. The date doesn't carry too much significance though Kevin Macdonald said on record that he chose it because it was the first Saturday after the FIFA World Cup.
While all of the footage was received by late July, it took Ridley and Kevin months to sort and edit it all. Life In A Day was released on Youtube for free on 21st January 2011, a week before being shown at the Sundance film festival.