Brtish filmmaker Mark Singer decided to make the documentary “Dark Days” in the mid-nineties after moving to Manhatten from his home city of London and seeing the huge number of homeless people there. After living on-and-off with the homeless community for a while he decided that Dark Days would be a good project to give something back to them and to give them a voice.
The film follows a group of people who are living the New York Subway system in the so-called Freedom Tunnel and provides a window into a world most people do not notice as they go about their daily lives. The small crew making the documentary became a part of the story themselves and while the make-shift filming was done over a short period of time it would take years to finish in post-production, finally being released in 2000.
Dark Days received a strong reception immediately after it was release, winning numerous awards; to this day it remains one of the most important documentaries on the subject of homelessness.