A Bruce Lee documentary covering the life of the world-famous martial artist Bruce Lee and Jeet Kune Do. The documentary uses many scenes from Bruce Lees’, last film, Games of Death which is a 1972 Martial Arts film directed and produced by Bruce as well as many interviews with the star as he describes events in his life.
Bruce Lee (b 1940 – d 1973) was an American / Chinese martial arts professional and filmmaker who developed the art of Jeet Kune Do, a hybrid form of Kung Fu which was first founded by him in 1967. In the documentary, Bruce Lee often talks about Jeet Kune Do and many times refers to it as "the art of expressing the human body” and of having a concept of attacking as your opponent attacks. Bruce Lee is one of the most famous and respected Martial artists of all time as he demonstrated his skills in dozens of movies, most notable of which probably being Enter the Dragon (1973), Fist of Fury (1972) and Lo Wei's The Big Boss (1971),however there are many more with their own unique qualities. These movies didn’t just make Bruce famous, they turned him into an icon and his name became synonymous with the art of fighting.
Bruce Lee: A Warrior's Journey, provides an insight into the mind of the man and is considered to be one of the most comprehensive Bruce Lee documentaries. It was released in both The United States and Hong Kong back in 2000 and was directed/produced by John Little who actually stars in the documentary too. Bruces wife, Linda Lee Cadwell also has an input into the film and gives a perspective on Bruce that nobody else could.