Docur blog

Massive Disruption to Service

As a regular Docur user you will be aware that the site had been down starting on April 16th and lasting for more than 50 hours crippling all services. We can only apologise for this unforeseen issue; the service has been returned to its former ability (with some minor problems we are working on fixing). Moving forward we have migrated Docur onto a new server to ensure smooth running and reliability so therefore issues like this do not plague the site in the future. We are not dead and we will be returning the best documentaries online with better uptime going forward.


We were caught up in the “123 Reg disaster” where our previous server provider deleted Docur and thousands of other VPS customers sites. This was not the first time we have had problems from this company and erasing our server without prior warning was the final straw. This caused tremendous problems for us as we only had a 7 day old backup of the site so, if you signed up for an account after 05:08pm April 10th or made any activity between then and April 16th unfortunately this data is lost. 


Once again apologies for this unforeseen issue.


Docur team.