cannibal Documentaries

What on Earth? Cannibals in the Ghost City

2018 Unrated

  What on Earth? Cannibals in the Ghost City is a 2018 science documentary narrated by actor Steven Kearney.   The film explores an abandoned city in the African jungle which might have a bloody past of malevolent spirits and cannibals. Mount Vesuvius shows signs that its awakenin[...]

Interview with a Cannibal

2011 Unrated

On June 13th 1981 a Japanese man named Issei Sagawa walked into the Bois De Boulonge, a park on the outskirts of Paris, carrying two suitcases. The contents of the suitcases was unknown to the other park visitors but it was infact the dismembered body parts of Dutch student Renée Hartevelt.[...]

A collection of cannibal documentaries to watch online.